Muddy Buddys

Muddy Buddys Jeep Wrangler Club Bylaws
Article I - Name
The name of this organization will be Muddy Buddys, Inc dba Muddy Buddys Jeep Wrangler Club. The club shall operate under the Laws of the State of Ohio for Non-Profit Organization 501c7, Social & Recreational Club.
Article II - Purpose
The purpose of the Muddy Buddys Jeep Wrangler Club is to bring off-road enthusiasts together for the enjoyment and betterment of the hobby of off-roading and to promote the legendary Jeep vehicle. This will be done through our website, message forums, social gatherings, events, off-road adventures and regular club meetings. Muddy Buddys will always promote friendship, knowledge and a family oriented atmosphere.
Article III - Objective
The objective of the club is to promote enjoyment, friendship and family values through organized events, as well as, preservation of trails and the hobby of off-road recreation in a safe, environmentally friendly manner. It is our intent to work for more open trails, to work with individuals and organizations to open and maintain trails for ORV use. When called upon, members of the Muddy Buddys will offer logistical and transportation support to local, State, or governmental agency's in emergency situations or other times of need. The club may host events that support and promote other non-profit organizations that align to the same values and goals as determined by the Club Officers.
Article IV - Membership Qualifications and Standards
Must own a Wrangler style Jeep or any vehicles in the evolution of the Jeep Wrangler including but not limited to MBs, CJs, YJs, TJs, JKs, JLs, JTs and any other model released under the Wrangler platform.
In the event more than one person owns the same Jeep, both individuals may be a member in good standing when they submit separate membership form(s) and pay annual dues.
Vehicle must be four wheel drive to participate in trail rides and have accessible tow points
No vehicle modifications are required to join but are strongly suggested for attending trail rides.
Members must be at least 18 years of age with a valid license and insurance.
A club decal will be provided and must be applied, in plain sight, to their Jeeps. Decal must be removed if the vehicle is sold or membership is revoked.
All members must fill out an application and sign a permanent liability waiver that will be placed in their file.
Follow trail etiquette.
Article V - Dues
Club dues are $24 dollars each year due October first of each year.
New members are required to pay a one-time $10 dollar processing fee.
To maintain good standing dues must be paid no later than October 31st of each year. Failure to pay by the deadline will result in a $10 dollar late fee.
Renewal Membership fees are not pro-rated throughout the year; the full $24 dollars are due for renewal (plus $10 dollar late fee if after October 31st)
Failure to pay dues will result in a suspended membership and the loss of all club benefits i.e. discounts, access to member’s only forum(s) and member only activities, etc.
Dues and processing fees are non refundable.
Members fulfilling the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, or other elected positions will not be required to pay dues; due to time and commitment of their position during the term.
Example of dues schedule for New members January $28, February $26, March $24, April $22, May $20, June $18, July $16, August $14, September $12, October $34, November $32, December $30. These are the amounts to be paid by new members based on when they join.
When dues are paid, each member will get their membership card and begin to receive club benefits.
A member must be in good standing to Vote in elections and other binding voting opportunities that may arise.
Voting is based on DUES PAID Membership, one vote per dues paid member.
Access to any social media sites will be restricted to the registered club member plus one other person; the plus one information will be kept with membership information.
Article VI – Membership Code of Conduct
There will be no consumption of alcohol during club sanctioned events or organized trail rides or events held by other "clubs or organizations".
Non driving events are not included.
There will be no underage drinking at any event.
Any use or possession of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and will be cause for immediate termination of membership.
Unruly or disrespectful behavior by club members during club sanctioned events or on the message forum or other social media will not be tolerated, including extreme and constant profanity.
As a member you are responsible to conduct yourself in a manner that represents the club as a responsible and respectable organization.
Firearm possession must follow state and local regulations.
Members will not knowingly trespass. While trail riding, if a member ventures on private land or a closed area and an officer of the law issues a citation, arrest or confiscates the vehicle; liability is bore solely by the owner or the person doing the action. Members are to follow rules and regulations of property and/or its owners.
Club membership can be revoked for violations to this policy
All codes of conduct and bylaws also apply to any passenger or non-member guest. Club members will be held responsible for any and all passengers or guests that accompany them to an event.
Muddy Buddys is not responsible for any actions or opinions of any political or non-political organization that any member is associated with.
It is highly recommended that all members choose to volunteer throughout events and activities hosted by the Club. Our club is built on volunteering and it fosters an environment of friendship and comradery.
VOLUNTEER Rules and Responsibilities
If you register to volunteer for a particular position, it is expected you will arrive timely and work through the entire shift.
Volunteers (at non-riding events) shall NOT consume alcohol during their volunteer period or prior to their work shift.
Volunteers shall conduct themselves in a professional and friendly way. We want everyone to feel welcomed and encouraged to explore their love for the Jeep Life/Family.
Article VIII - Violations and consequences of bylaws and code of conduct
First offense
Verbal warning by the officers of the club. -
Second offense
Written warning by the officers of the club. Copy will be placed in the members file. -
Third offense
Constructive council with officers with criteria to improve club members standing. These criteria will be reviewed in three months by officers. During this three month time member will be placed on probation. Failure to appear for the council will result in a Board vote to remove said member. -
Severe cases can be brought to immediate Board vote to remove or revoke membership.
Removed members can be reinstated after one year. They must complete a 3 month probation period after that annual period, and the board will vote to reinstate.
Article IX - Trail Etiquette
The following items must be available and/or applied to your Jeep in order to participate in trail rides.
It is highly recommended that all members attend the Trail Etiquette Class provided by the club. This class is generally conducted in spring and fall
Trail Etiquette information is available online via the Members Only FB and Website.
Make sure the vehicle is in good mechanical condition and trail ready.
Tow hooks, tow strap without metal hooks, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, extra fluids, carry your own tools and bring a trash bag.
Stay on clearly marked trails and obey property signs.
Follow winch safety rules.
Be friendly and courteous to all trail users, including non-jeep enthusiasts.
When attempting an obstacle follow the three strikes and you're out.
This will keep large rides from becoming congested.
Article X – Description & Eligibility for Officers & Board
1. Definitions
The president shall preside at all meetings of the club and shall be a member of all local club committees. Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertained by this office. -
Vice President
In the temporary absence of the president, the vice president shall be designated by the president to exercise and perform his duties. At other times the vice president shall carry out such duties as may be delegated by the president -
The treasurer shall be authorized to collect all monies payable to the club, shall be charged with keeping the funds of the club, and from such funds shall make the necessary disbursements. The treasurer shall keep the club’s financial accounts and shall enter in detail all receipts and disbursements. The treasurer shall be authorized to open an account in the name of the club and deposit all funds therein. -
The secretary shall keep the minutes of the club meetings and be its custodian of the records of the club, conduct correspondence, and be in charge of the mailing list. The secretary shall notify all members of club meetings and shall keep available for inspection copies of the Bylaws. -
Other Standing Officers
Standing officers, if necessary, shall be appointed by club majority vote and shall carry out the details necessary to the office to which they are appointed. -
Board Members
The board members are an elected group of 4 members that are used for reference and guidance in club decisions.
Past President
The past president shall serve as an additional board member to ensure continuity of the Club and its values. The Past President will not hold a binding vote in Board voted activities. The Past President will vote in all general elections and membership votes.
2. Eligibility
4 year minimum membership in good standing
Board members may run for officer without meeting the minimum year requirement.
2 year requirement for board members
Article XI - Terms and Responsibilities of Officers
1. President - 2 year term – Election frequency - EVEN YEARs
Promote, maintain, and enforce club bylaws.
Set up and organize club events.
Conduct meetings in an organized fashion.
Promote club at all levels.
Authority to make basic club decisions
2. Vice President – 2 Year Term - Election frequency – ODD YEARs
Promote, maintain, and enforce club bylaws.
Set up and organize club events.
Conduct meetings in an organized fashion.
Promote club at all levels.
Authority to make basic club decisions2.
3. Secretary - 2 year term – Election frequency - EVEN YEARs
Take minutes/notes of meetings.
Keep proper records of members.
Involved in the maintenance of the club website.
Responsible for keeping members informed of club events and happenings.
Responsible for new member processing and club promotion.
Authority to make basic club decisions.
4. Treasurer - 2 year term – Election frequency - ODD YEARs
Keep safe and secure all funds of the club.
Give a report at each meeting of funds and expenses.
Control basic financing of the club.
Authority to make basic club decisions.
5. Past President
Support new presidency
Provide Guidance
Maintain values of Club Intent
Board Seats
1st Board Seat works directly with the President - 2yr term - Election Frequency ODD YEARs
Duties include helping with the day-to-day operation of the club when the President needs help and delegates such duties, such as assisting in Club meetings, parties, and other such activities. This position shall not take over as President if the President is not able to perform his duties
2nd Board Seat works directly with the VP - 2yr term - Election Frequency EVEN YEARs
Duties include helping with the New Member Orientation, Trail Ride Preparation and other such activities that the Vice President needs help with or is not able to perform.
3rd Board Seat works directly with the Secretary - 2yr term - Election Frequency ODD YEARs
Duties include helping with collection of New Member data and record retention of such data. At events, this board seat will be used for promotion of the club with membership info and other such info about the club. When the Secretary cannot attend an event this Board Seat will assume the position of Secretary and provide the regular support of the Secretary position.
4th Board Seat works directly with the Treasurer - 2yr term - Election frequency EVEN YEARs
Duties include helping the Treasurer at events to collect money from individuals, gates, raffles, and other money generating locations at events or other duties that the Treasurer delegates to them. Also, if the Treasurer is unable to attend an event that he is needed at for such activities this Board Seat will take over the duties of the Treasurer and be responsible for all monetary activities taking place. This position will not be authorized to make deposits or withdrawals from the club accounts in the absence of the Treasurer. An officer of the club will have to do these activities.
Rules related to Elections
There will be no term limits
At the end of the officers' term an election will be held.
Simple majority election will decide who wins
All positions shall be elected at normal elections held at an organized club event
Elections will be held in April of each year
Article XII - Removal or Replacement of Club Officers
If an officer is unable to uphold the duties or resigns his/her position the remaining officers will take over the responsibilities of the vacated position until an election will be held to fill the position. The new officer will finish the remainder of the term.
In the event that an officer is not upholding the duties of his/her position a motion can be raised by any member and two supporters.
Within 2 months an election will be held and a simple majority will rule. If an officer is removed an election will be held to fill the vacant position.
Article XIII - Amending Bylaws
If a member in good standing wants to present a new amendment they can present it to the membership for a vote. Simple majority rules.
Amendment Process:
Present amendment in writing to Officer
Officer shall share proposed amendment during next available club meeting
Officer shall provide an open floor for discussion of proposed amendment
Officer shall request a 2nd movement for proposed amendment
Upon 2nd movement, officers will present to membership via forum posting and/or other communication forum.
Ballot vote will be conducted at the next available club meeting.
Article XIV - Dissolution of Muddy Buddys Jeep Wrangler Club
In the event the Club Leaderships determines the course of action of dissolution, the following consideration shall be followed:
Any and all assets (including, but not limited to equipment and supplies) shall be offered for sale for a fair market value. Current Club members shall have the option to purchase for a fair market price.
Any funds shall be distributed to existing non-profit organizations that have been used previously. It should be taken into consideration to distribute based on an equal distribution among all, or the percentage of allocation based on previous support.
Events that have been created and established (ie, Jeep Jam, Dayton Offroad Expo, or other sponsored events created during the tenure of the club) shall be owned by the Proprietor of the event. The Proprietor shall have the first right of refusal for the future events in those names.
For matter of record; Jeep Jam and Dayton Off Road Expo Proprietor is Rob Eldridge, President during 12/5/2011 thru 4/19/2019.
Article XV – Capital Purchases
All Assets shall be the responsibility of the Club Officers.
Delegation of Authority for purchase of Assets or Capital Equipment is as follows:
$100 - $500 – Any individual Officer
$500-$10,000 – Majority vote of Club Officers
$10,000+ Club Vote
Purchases to operate or perform Club events are not included
Assets purchased with club funds include, but not limited to:
Equipment, such as trailers, ramps, etc
Materials, such as fence, stakes, etc
These Bylaws are hereby amended and active on the 4th day of June, 2021. Bylaws will go into immediate effect and supported by the current Officers of the Club.